Explore the world to which the Bible has been written in. Following the Documentary Hypothesis, each author provides clues to the origins of their writings. These clues reveal hidden propaganda and agendas during their respective time-frame. Biblical Origins is dedicated to solving the long lasting mystery: Who wrote the Bible?
For additional archaeological confirmation to the proposed dating of the Yahwist read an Addendum to this book. Spoken of more recently here.
You can now read a digital copy of this publication if you are a member of the Ancient Origins Premium website.
An Adopted Legacy offers new insights to the Yahwistic (J) source of the Book of Genesis and its origins. A smaller timeframe of writing for the Yahwistic author is given by the end of this book while attempting to solve some of the Bible’s oldest mysteries. This is an Out-Of-Print (OOP) and outdated publication. Please refer to the second edition “Biblical Origins: An Adopted Legacy.”
This ebook is a compilation of exclusive articles written for Ancient Origins by authors, researchers, and experts from a variety of different fields. The book explores the most enduring mysteries from our ancient past, and presents new theories to unravel the truth behind some of the most perplexing myths and legends from the ancient world.
Author Petros Koutoupis writes about the mysterious Aeneas of Greco-Roman mythology and his wanderings throughout the Mediterranean following the Trojan War.
This ebook is a compilation of exclusive articles written for Ancient Origins by authors, researchers, and experts from a variety of different fields. The book explores the most enduring mysteries from our ancient past, and presents new theories to unravel the truth behind some of the most perplexing artifacts, places, and figures from the ancient world.
Author Petros Koutoupis writes on the mysterious Phaeacians of ancient Greek mythology. Who were they and were they inspired by a real life peoples?
This ebook is a compilation of exclusive articles written for Ancient Origins by authors, researchers, and experts from a variety of different fields. The book explores the most enigmatic and fascinating relics uncovered from our ancient past, and presents new theories to explain the mysteries surrounding some of the world’s more unique and unusual artifacts.
Author Petros Koutoupis writes on the Eteocypriot language alongside the Amathus bilingual while deciphering the unknown Iron Age language.
- Refugees on Foreign Soil (Paywall) (2022)
- Is there evidence of Proto-Israelites at Qadesh? (2022)
- The Origins Of Ancient Greek Creation Mythology (2022)
- The Elusive Origins Of The Danuna Of The Sea People (2021)
- Clues To King Alcinous’ Scheria: The Lost Sickle In The Sea (2021)
- Was There Ever a Trojan War [revised] – Ancient Origins Magazine Issue 6 (February 2019)
- Solving the Mystery of the Burton Stone (2019)
- Of One Language: In Search of Our Mother Tongue (2018)
- In Search of the Mythical King Minos, Did the Legendary Ruler Really Exist? (2018)
- History Versus Legend: In Search of Aeneas, the Trojan Refugee (2017)
- In Search of King Alcinous: Who were the Legendary Phaeacians? (2017; original publication date 2016)
- Exploring an Ancient and Undeciphered Language: Eteocypriot and the Amathus Bilingual Inscription (2017; original publication date 2015)
- Perseus and the Legendary Rescue of Andromeda: Slaying of a Dangerous Sea Monster (2016)
- The Enigmatic and Elusive Virgil (2015)
- In Search of Helen of Troy (2014)
- The Enigmatic Etruscans (2014)
- Identifying the Teresh of The Sea Peoples (2014)
- Identifying an Ancient Battle and Dating the Song of Deborah (2014)
- A Paradise Lost: In Search of Eden (2014)
- Gateway to the Heavens: The Assyrian Account to the Tower of Babel (2014)
- Was There Ever a Trojan War? (2014)
- Did Mycenaean Greeks serve in the Egyptian military of Ramesses? (2014)
- Trojans at the Battle of Qadesh (2014)
- In Search of the Origins of the Philistines – Part 1 (2014)
- In Search of the Origins of the Philistines – Part 2 (2014)
- Homer: From Oral Tradition to Canon (2014)
- The ancient settlement of Akrotiri and the mass exodus of Therans (2014)
- Hebrew Linguistics Under the Documentary Hypothesis (2009)
- Addendum to Biblical Origins: An Adopted Legacy (2009)
- Understanding Isaiah 7:14 (2009)
- A Critical Analysis of Genesis 14 (2007)
- The Nephilim: Their Origins and Evolution (2007)
- The Babylonian Orion and Cetus (2007)
- What is the Land of Shinar and Where is it Located? (2007)