[Artifacts] The mummy’s curse…

Ancient Egyptian  Scarab (top)
Ancient Egyptian Scarab (top)
Ancient Egyptian  Scarab (side)
Ancient Egyptian Scarab (side)
Ancient Egyptian  Scarab (bottom)
Ancient Egyptian Scarab (bottom)
Ancient Egyptian  Scarab (side)
Ancient Egyptian Scarab (side)


I was cleaning out my office and came across an “old relic” that has been in my possession for nearly 20 years. It is a heart scarab. The heart scarab was significant to ancient Egyptian culture and was traditionally buried with the mummy and on top of the heart, inside the wrappings. The heart scarab is inscribed with magical text from the Egyptian Book of the Dead and more specifically, the trial of the “weighing of the heart”, where the soul of its owner has his or her heart weighed against the feather of Maat (truth) by the god Anubis. If the heart is heavier than the feather, they lived a sinful life and their soul would be banished to eternal damnation after being eaten by the demon crocodile headed monster, the Ammit.

At one point in time, this exact scarab that I hold in my hand was once buried and wrapped with a real mummy thousands of years ago and at some point in recent history, that mummy was disturbed and this scarab landed on the black market. Since I came into possession of it 20 years ago, things have not necessarily gone my way. Could it be the mummy’s curse?